SEW-EURODRIVE is one of the global market leaders in drive technology and automation. It has 17 production plants and 92 Drive Technology Centers in 56 countries. The company was founded in 1931. The Headquarters are in Bruchsal, Germany. The turnover was 4,5 billion EUR in the fiscal year 2021. More than 22,000 employees work for SEW-EURODRIVE.
SEW-EURODRIVE moves countless processes, systems and machines in many sectors of the production. SEW-EURODRIVE has been helping customers boost their productivity for more than 90 years. Solutions from SEW-EURODRIVE can be found all over the world, from fast, dynamic and highly accurate applications, as used in discrete manufacturing, to large and powerful applications as used in the raw materials industry or container terminals and continuous and logistical processes. The modular system offers millions of variants, so that customers can select exactly the components as drive solutions that optimally fit to their applications.